14.C.ECa – Early Learning Project

IELDS Standard: 14.C.ECa

  • Helping Children Take Surveys

    Helping Children Take Surveys

    Children can use surveys just as adults do—to collect information from other people. Surveys can help them find out about others’ opinions, preferences, predictions, and experiences. Taking part in a survey can spark children’s personal interest in a project and increase their engagement with the topic, with classmates, and with others around them. A class…

  • Investigating Wheels

    Investigating Wheels

    A project is a part of the curriculum that involves children in investigating objects and events around them that are worth knowing more about. Project work is a way of uncovering a subject rather than just covering it. A project on wheels has the potential to involve the entire class, the children’s families, and community…

  • Children’s Votes Count!

    Children’s Votes Count!

    Young children who vote on meaningful issues in a classroom learn to participate in decision making in their society.