Lesson Planning in the Context of Projects – Early Learning Project

Category: Lesson Planning in the Context of Projects

  • Topic Webs in Project Work: Part 2—Organizing the Children’s Web

    Topic Webs in Project Work: Part 2—Organizing the Children’s Web

    Making a topic web with the children in a class can be an important part of preparation for project work. A topic web is a kind of visual organizer. A topic web helps to represent the understandings and questions that the class has about a topic. Note: This lesson planning aid is a companion to…

  • Topic Webs in Project Work: Part 1—Creating the Children’s Web

    Topic Webs in Project Work: Part 1—Creating the Children’s Web

    A topic web is a kind of visual organizer. A topic web is one way to represent the understandings and questions that the class has about a topic (Figure 1). Creating a topic web with the children is an important part of getting a project started. The activities involved in making the topic web can…

  • Helping Children Take Surveys

    Helping Children Take Surveys

    Children can use surveys just as adults do—to collect information from other people. Surveys can help them find out about others’ opinions, preferences, predictions, and experiences. Taking part in a survey can spark children’s personal interest in a project and increase their engagement with the topic, with classmates, and with others around them. A class…

  • Helping Children Sketch and Draw from Observation

    Helping Children Sketch and Draw from Observation

    A sketch is a quick drawing that shows interesting features of something observed. Drawing, on the other hand, usually refers to a more careful process that includes greater attention to detail. All drawing involves skills, techniques, and tools that are basic to the visual arts, but making sketches or drawings from observation is not necessarily…