Program/Practice Standards – Early Learning Project

Keyword: Program/Practice Standards

  • National Organizations

    National Organizations

    The following national organizations and agencies provide information and resources related to early learning.

  • Developmentally Appropriate Practice

    Developmentally Appropriate Practice

    Developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) promotes the development (social, emotional, physical, health, cognitive) and general learning of each child served. Developed by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the 2020 Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) Position Statement gives educators guidelines and recommendations for implementing DAP with children ages birth through age 8. This…

  • Developmentally Appropriate Practice 101

    Developmentally Appropriate Practice 101

    Developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) was developed in the 1980s to give early childhood educators a framework of high-quality and appropriate teaching practices for young children. DAP are learning experiences that promote the development (social, emotional, physical, health, cognitive) and general learning of each child served. NAEYC’s 2020 Developmentally Appropriate Practice Position Statement gives educators guidelines…

  • An Introduction to Montessori Education

    An Introduction to Montessori Education

    On this podcast we talk with Dr. Natalie Danner, the LaVonne Kopecky Plambeck endowed chair of Montessori education at the University of Nebraska at Kearney.

  • Developmental Milestones, Infant Toddler Guidelines, and Early Learning Standards: Metrics for Young Children

    Developmental Milestones, Infant Toddler Guidelines, and Early Learning Standards: Metrics for Young Children

    Teachers and parents of young children are likely to encounter different checklists or guidelines to assess the development, knowledge, or skills of the young children in their care.

  • Thoughts on Leadership

    Thoughts on Leadership

    These experiences reminded me of some of the fundamental aspects of effective leadership practices in such complex environments.