Fine Motor – Early Learning Project

Keyword: Fine Motor

  • Motor Development for Infants and Toddlers

    Motor Development for Infants and Toddlers

    This list contains resources on motor development for very young children, ages birth through three years.

  • Helping Young Children Get Ready to Read

    Helping Young Children Get Ready to Read

    Even very young children are learning to listen to words in order to gain speech and language skills. While this is happening, they are exploring print in books and throughout their environment in order to make connections between print and spoken words. This tool kit will provide information on print awareness, oral language, phonological awareness,…

  • Look What This Can Do!

    Look What This Can Do!

    In this video, we see Mario and his mother, Norma, as they play in a playroom at a local community center. Norma shows Mario different ways to use the toys. When Mario bangs the toys together, Norma encourages his inventiveness by commenting on the creative ways Mario uses the toys to make noise.

  • Challenge Young Artists to Create in Three Dimensions

    Challenge Young Artists to Create in Three Dimensions

    When young children create visual art, they explore and experiment with the properties of materials. Some classic examples of developmentally appropriate art opportunities for children include drawing with crayons, painting at an easel, or creating a paper collage. These types of art experiences allow children the opportunity to explore in two dimensions of space.

  • Let’s Write a Grocery List

    Let’s Write a Grocery List

    Caregivers can engage children in early writing experiences such as list making to support their early literacy skill development.

  • Physical Development and Health

    Physical Development and Health

    This section of guidelines describes how infants and toddlers learn to move their bodies, take in their world through their senses, and carry out self-care routines. This section also explains how physical skills progress through development as young children’s bodies grow stronger and more able to move purposefully and with ease during everyday play and…

  • Getting Ready to Read and Write in Childcare

    Getting Ready to Read and Write in Childcare

    Here are some simple ideas for creating a literacy environment.