Executive Function – Early Learning Project

Keyword: Executive Function

  • Self-Regulation and Executive Function

    Self-Regulation and Executive Function

    This list contains resources to help educators and families support self-regulation and executive function in young children.

  • Understanding Trauma and Young Children

    Understanding Trauma and Young Children

    Trauma is an event or a series of events that have a negative effect on a child. There are a number of ways parents, teachers, and caregivers can support children who have or may still be experiencing trauma.

  • Screens and Young Children

    Screens and Young Children

    This list contains a variety of resources associated with screens and young children.

  • Keep Up the Good Work

    Keep Up the Good Work

    Here are some ways you can help them stay with tasks and try hard to complete them even when the job is tough.

  • Domain 4: Introduction

    Domain 4: Introduction

    The rate at which children learn during the first three years is remarkable; they will learn more in these first three years than at any other point in their lives.1 Cognitive development in young children refers to their process of learning and the development of intelligence and other mental capabilities, such as memory, reasoning, problem…