23.B.ECb – Early Learning Project

IELDS Standard: 23.B.ECb

  • Pour It! Stir It! Yum!

    Pour It! Stir It! Yum!

    Cooking is a wonderful way to engage children and provide rich learning opportunities. Cooking engages the senses and gives children hands-on opportunities to explore food.

  • Physical Development and Health Lesson Addressing Benchmark 23.B.ECb

    Physical Development and Health Lesson Addressing Benchmark 23.B.ECb

    The classroom’s pretend grocery store is a popular play area. In other adapted lesson plans, the children have taken a field site visit to a local grocery store and reflected upon their trip with photos (16.A.ECa), learned a silly song about grocery stores (25.A.ECc), and built a pretend grocery store where they exchanged money for…